Prayer 101 - Part 14: The Fall Of Jezebel

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2 Kings 9 & 2 Kings 10:1,6b-11

Ahab was the 7th King of Israel, the son and successor of King Omri and the husband of Jezebel of Sidon. Ahab was a wicked king, particularly for condoning Jezebel’s influence on religious policies and his principal role behind Naboth’s(a righteous man) arbitrary execution. We find ourselves at a time 10 years after Ahab’s demise.

Jezebel - considered one of the most evil women in history. A foreign princess from Phoenicia - a worshiper of Baal. Once queen, she took over Israel with her pagan worship and idolatrous practices.

1 Kings 18:4 - killed God’s prophets. Some were saved.

Jezebel set up her own prophets of Baal

I Kings 18 - Elijah defeated the prophets of Baal - and became the enemy of Jezebel

Jezebel killed a godly man - Naboth - to give his land to Ahab

She set up shrines to Baal and the other pagan gods she worshiped. She committed witchcraft

BAAL - being a fertility god worship that involved sex orgies. Their idol was in the shape of an enlarged male sex organ, an ashram. Temple prostitutes supported the temple worship of Baal. It’s worship was filled with perversion, homosexuality, immorality and sexual promiscuity. Ancient Greek and Roman authors wrote tales of Molech(a Canaanite deity) to be associated with the practice of child sacrifice. They also wrote stories of child sacrifices to Baal(or Master). Children were sacrificed in a shrine called Tophet(a term for hell) - passing a child through the fire. Child sacrifice.

THE JEZEBEL SPIRIT IS ALIVE AND WELL TODAY IN BOTH MEN AND WOMEN. We are seeing the demonstration of this spirit both globally, nationally and statewide in OPEN DISPLAY.


The Law of Sowing & Reaping in OPERATION. Let us sow righteousness.


Prayer 101 - Part 15: Divine Healing


Prayer 101 - Part 13: Let My People Go