Prayer 101 - Part 13: Let My People Go
Listen to full episode :
Exodus 1-14
1.Destruction of Children
2.Birth of Moses
Mother on Pharaoh's payroll
Moses commits murder and flees
3.The Burning Bush - The Call
4.The Rod of Authority
Signs & Wonders - Serpent/Leprosy
Moses argues with God
God provides Aaron
Moses & Zipporah need to get their family in right order - with regards to the Blood Covenant - first
5.Let my people go - 3 days journey to sacrifice
Pharaoh puts the screws on - it gets tougher
Moses and Aaron confronted by the slaves
6.The Israelites don’t listen. Pharoah resists. Moses doubts. Moses is between a rock and a hard place
7.God’s plan for Pharaoh's stubbornness is set in motion
The rod - serpent - magician's counterfeit swallowed
The blood - magician's counterfeit
8.Frogs - magician's counterfeit v.7
Pharaoh called for Moses & Aaron
Lice v.16 - magicians defeated and declare - THIS IS THE FINGER OF GOD
Swarms of flies v.21
9.Death of livestock(not the Israelites livestock) v.6
Ashes into boils v.8-11
Rain/Hail/Fire v.18(came with a warning to save Egyptians - God’s Mercy in the midst of the plagues)
No hail in Goshen - the home of the Israelites
Pharaoh sends for Moses & Aaron v.27
Partial destruction - shows God’s mercy again
10.Locusts v.4,14,15
The Egyptians want them gone. Pharoah is out of control
Thick darkness(3 days) v.21
Pharoah seeking compromise. Go but leave behind your flocks v.24
11.Gathering of RICHES
The firstborn v.4-7
13.Bypass the Philistines v.17,18,21,22 - head for the Red Sea
THE EXODUS is thought to have taken a period of 40 days.