Prayer 101 - Part 55: Same Same Same

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Heb 13:7,8 Jesus is Messiah, yesterday and today the same, and forever - Greek New Testament

Mal 3:6 God changes not. God was reliable in the past, we can trust Him in the present, and we can hold fast to the hope that is tomorrow

Heb 12:1-3 Fix your eyes on Jesus

Heb 13:5(AMP) He will never forsake you or leave you

John 1:1; 8:58 Jesus existed as God

Phil 2:5-8; 1 Cor 15:1-4 Jesus came in the flesh as a man in order to pay the human price owed to God for sin on behalf of all humanity

Jn 14:1-3; Rom 8:34 He is in heaven working - interceding until He returns for His people to take them home

Col 3:4 One day he will return in glory for all to see

Rev 22 He will rule as King and He will dwell with the righteous forever


Prayer 101 - Part 56: The Old In The New


Prayer 101 - Part 54: On The Boil