Prayer 101 - Part 30: Fair Dinkum Faith
Listen to full episode :
Hebrews 11 - 12:3 The Heroes Hall of Faith
Romans 4:13-5:9 Abraham the Father of our Faith
Luke 8:43-48 A fair dinkum woman with Fair Dinkum Faith
James 2:14-26 Faith and works walk hand in hand
Luke 6:46-49 We must be doers - if not we will be destroyed. Many who believe, yet do not demonstrate their belief in action, shall be RUINED
Where does this FAIR DINKUM FAITH come from?
Romans 10:17
Where does this SALVATION come from?
Ephesians 2:8-10 TO DO GOOD WORKS
Let us be those who live a life of FAIR DINKUM FAITH so that we will stand alongside the APOSTLE PAUL and testify as he did
2 Timothy 4:7