Prayer 101 - Part 75: Christ In J0el

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Joel means ‘Yahweh is God’ and it is not known exactly when he prophesied, but it could have been around 835 BC during the reign of Joash.

There is no mention of either Assyrian or Babylonian invasions. The only enemies mentioned are Philistines, Phoenicians, Edomites and Egyptians. No idolatry is mentioned. The temple services, the priesthood, and other institutions of the theocracy, are represented as flourishing. There is also no king mentioned. Though it is generally conceded that Joel prophesied about the time of the reign of Joash, the King of Judah.

Joel was apparently a contemporary and possibly knew both Elijah and Elisha who prophesied to the Northern Kingdom while Joel prophesied to the South. He speaks from Jerusalem to Judah and records Israel’s place in God’s program from Babylon right through until the coming Millennium. His main theme is The Day of the Lord.

The Day of The Lord is mentioned here:

Joel 1:15

Joel 2:1-2

Joel 2:10-11

Joel 2:30-31

Joel 3:14-16

This Day of the Lord includes the Millennial Kingdom which will commence at the second coming of Christ, and Joel makes it extremely clear that it begins with the time of tribulation.

2 Thess 2:2-3

James speaks of this in Acts 15:14-16 when he says ‘After this I will return…’

Acts 15:17-18 and among the Gentiles there will be great revival like never before seen

Joel 1:1-13 speaks of the historic invasion of locusts

Joel 1:14-15 This will now give rise to a prophetic invasion: an invasion of demons. Repentance saved Nineveh - but the Day of the Lord is at hand. There will be an invasion that will be even more unique than the lost invasion that has just occurred. The Great Tribulation Period opens with the four horsemen of the Apocalypse where there is a false peace followed by the break out of war followed by a famine and then the pale horse of death. There is drawn a parallel between these four bands of locust and the four horsemen of the Apocalypse - yet during The Great Tribulation period it will be something much worse. These will not be literal locusts. The entire world will be totally devastated when the Lord Jesus Christ returns to set up His kingdom.

Joel 1:16-20

Joel establishes two prominent truths.

1. World events are under the control of God. That includes those who believe in Him and those who don’t.

2. Repentance reaches the heart of God, and it is to those who repent to whom He responds.

Joel 2:1-10 Gentile Invasion - Armageddon

Upheavals in the sky are typical on the final Day of the Lord - Isa 13:10; Zeph 2:14-15; Rev 6

Joel 2:11 Destruction of the Invaders

This is a personal appearance of the Lord. His people Israel will find refuge in Him at this time, for this is a period of unbearable stress. Jer 30:4-7; Zeph 1:14-18

Isa 63:1-6

Rev 19:14-19

Ps 2:1-12

Joel 2: 12-17 Repentance of Judah

The judgment that will come with the Day of the Lord can be turned back. God is not anxious to bring it. He would much prefer to bring a blessing.

Deut 28:1; Deut 28:15 - Blessing & Cursing

Joel 2:18-27 Response of YHWH

Those who call upon the Lord shall be saved. God wants a relationship with His people.

The renewal, restoration experience of those who repented - a reminder of God’s people who are His possession.

His protection Joel 2:20

His prosperity Joel 2:19, 23-24

His presence Joel 2:27

Joel 2:28,29 The Outpouring of the Holy Spirit

This is prophesied - this spiritual and physical phenomena to accompany the end times looking towards when the Lord Himself will establish His new kingdom for His people upon earth.

Joel 2:30-32 God’s Blessing on Israel

In verse 32 there are none who need to perish. ‘…whoever’. Those who escape to Petra in Jordan - Isa 16:1-4; Rev 12:14-17; Obad 17; Isa 37:31-32

Acts 2:14-21

What happened at Pentecost was but the beginning of God’s blessing upon Israel.

Joel 3:1-17 God’s Judgment of the Gentiles

Joel deals with a time where for Gentiles it’s a pouring out of His wrath, and for Israel it is a restitution to glory and blessing.

v13 Throughout the Scriptures reaping is a symbol for salvation. The reaping results in the salvation of the sheep- Gentiles Rev 14:14-16

The treading results in the destruction of the anti-Semites. This treading takes place outside the walls of Jerusalem. Rev 14:17-20

The judgment of the Gentiles described in this chapter is the very same judgment described in Matt 25:31-46 - the judgment of the Sheep and the Goats.

v16 The Lion of the Tribe of Judah Rev 5:5. An earthquake follows and shakes the whole earth to its foundations and even sets the heavens tottering Zech 14:4-5

Joel 3:18-21 The Messianic Kingdom

This speaks of the Millennial blessings which will exceed the splendour of David and Solomon

Jesus will rule as he sits on His throne to fulfil the promise to David of a everlasting dynasty - Ps 2:6; 2 Sam 7:13,16; Isa 9:7; Rev 20:4; Lk 1:32-33

He will rule:


Absolutely - rod of iron Ps 2:8; Rev 12:5, Rev 19:15

Righteously and Justly - Isa 11:3-4 and Truthfully Isa 25:2

With Holiness - Ez 36:20-23

In Universal Peace - Isa 2:3-4, Isa 65:18-19


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