Prayer 101 - Part 73: Christ In Obadiah

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Minor Prophets? Why are they called this? Because they are relatively short. Not because they are of lesser importance. Not at all.

The book of Obadiah speaks of the judgment upon Edom. So before we dive into this one chapter book let’s take a look at Edom. The name derives from Esau “red” Gen 25:30; Gen 36:1. It is the name of the land occupied by Esau’s descendants; formerly the land of Seir(pronounced seer). It stretched from the Wadi Zered to the Gulf of Aqaba, extending to both sides of the Arabah, the great depression connecting the Dead Sea to the Red Sea.

Esau had already occupied Edom when Jacob returned from Harran. Gen 36:6-8

Let’s take a look at the story of Jacob and Esau where Esau sold his birthright in exchange for food Gen 25:29-34

Edom refused Israel passage through their land on their way to Canaan. They detoured around the country because of his show of force and because God ordered them to do so rather than wage war. Num 20:14-21

Israel was forbidden to abhor his Edomite brother Deut 23:7-8

Balaam predicted the conquest of Edom Num 24:18

Joshua was allotted the territory of Judah up to the borders of Edom, but did not encroach on their lands Josh 15:1,21

Two centuries later King Saul fights the Edomites 1 Sam 14:47

David conquered Edom and put garrisons throughout the land 2 Sam 8:13-14

Solomon built the port of Ezion-Geber

In Jehoshaphat’s time the Edomites joined the Ammonites and Moabites in a raid on Judah, but the allies fellas they fought amongst themselves 2 Chron 20:1

Under Jehoram, Edom rebelled, but he could not reduce them to subjection 2 Kings 8:20-22

Edom had a respite for 40 years

Amaziah later invaded Edom. He slew 10,000 Edomites in the Valley of Salt, captured Sela their capital and sent 10,000 more to their deaths by casting them from the top of Sela 2 Kings 14:7; 2 Chr 25:11-12

Uzziah, Amaziah’s successor, restored the port of Elath 2 Kings 14:22

But under Ahaz, when Judah was being attacked by Pekah and Rezin, the Edomites invaded Judah and carried off captives 2 Chr 28:17

Judah never again recovered Edom

In 586BC Jerusalem was destroyed by the Babylonians. The Edomites are cheering on the invaders as recorded in Psalm 137:7-9

So as you can see. The battle between Jacob and Esau the sons of Isaac continues on and through the ages. That brings us to the book of Obadiah.

This is the shortest book in the Bible consisting of 21 verses and deals with the two brothers Esau and Jacob - Edom and Israel. The book contains two themes about the justice of God; that His righteousness demands vengeance on Edom who is Israel’s enemy. It is also about the dangers of pride and arrogance. Edom gets more attention than any other nation when it comes to judgment.


Obadiah v.1-16

The vengeance on Edom by God is announced by the prophet Jeremiah in Jer 49:7-22

Edom’s Sins: Pride v3-4, Confederacy v7, Violence v.10, Rejoicing v.12, Looting v.13, Hindering Jews from escaping v.14, Drunken celebration v.16

Proverbs 6:16-19 These things does the Lord hate

Pride & it’s consequences Prov 8:13, 1 John 2:16, Isa 14:13-14, Dan 4:30-32

Edom’s prided himself in his wealth v.6, His alliances with his neighbours v.7, His wisdom v.8, His soldiers v.9

Edom are to experience the law of retaliation as recorded in Matt 7:1 & Gal 6:7


Obadiah v.17-21

v.17 Israel had sinned. The temple was destroyed but God would cleanse and restore ‘the house of Jacob’ and not the house of Esau(the Edomites)

v.18 A reunion and restoration for the house of Joseph(the northern tribes) and the house of Jacob. They will be as a fire against Edom

v.19,20 The day’s coming when the Jews will ‘possess their possession’ - their land, temple, city and kingdom. Israel will occupy all the land that God promised them. God had promised Abraham a land that contains about 482,803 square kilometres. At their greatest time they only occupied 48,280 square kilometres

v.21 God is moving towards the accomplishment of His purpose of putting His King on Mount Zion.

There is coming a day when God will give back her possessions and use them to enjoy them and use them for His glory. When Christ returns the nation will look upon the One they pierced. They’ll be cleansed and forgiven as a nation and the Kingdom shall be established. Christ, the Stone, will crush all kingdoms as seen in Dan 2:44-45

Psalm 83 - in today’s context


Edom the traditional enemies of Israel;

The Tents of Edom - Palestinians Refugees and Southern Jordanians;

Moab - a descendant of Lot, Palestinian Refugees and Central Jordan;

Hagarenes - the descendants of Hagar were Egyptians;

Gebal - Northern Lebanese;

Ammon - Palestinian Refugees and Northern Jordanians; the capital of Jordan is Amman;

Amalek - Arabs south of Israel; Agag was the king of the Amalekites; also Haman of Esther;

Phiistines - Palestinian Refugees and the Hamas of the Gaza Strip;

Tyre - Hezbolah and Southern Lebanese;

Assur - Assyria; todays Syria and Northern Iraq;

Children of Lot - Moab and Ammon


Midianites - an Arab tribe descended from Midian - the desert north of the peninsula of Arabia


The only way this world is going to know that God is God is for Him to move in judgment

The struggle today between the Israelis and the Arabs is but a continuation of this same battle which began in Gen 25:21-26


Prayer 101 - Part 74: Christ In Amos


Prayer 101 - Part 72: Christ In Jonah